Overview of Lofa County University (LCU)

Welcome to Lofa County University (LCU)

The Lofa County University (LCU), formally called Lofa County Community College (LCCC) was established in 2010 by an Act of Legislature to address the growing demand for higher education in Lofa County, Liberia. Lofa County University was founded for the purpose of providing post-secondary education for the people of Lofa County, Liberia and beyond.

The institution began its operation in 2012 initially with 4 professional colleges; namely: Agriculture, Engineering Science and Technology, Teachers Education, and Nursing. However, based on the high demand from the public, 2 additional colleges (Business and Public Administration and Social Sciences and Humanities) were introduced, summing up to the total of 6 professional colleges.  As a college, it only awarded Associate of Arts/Science Degrees in various disciplines. In its early years, LCU faced challenges such as limited infrastructure, resources, and funding. Despite these obstacles, the determination and resilience of the university’s leadership, faculty, and staff enabled the institution to grow to its current level.

 After a decade of operation as associate-degree-granting institution, it was transitioned to a full bachelor-degree-granting institution through “AN ACT TO REPEAL THE 2010 ACT ESTABLISHING THE LOFA COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE AND TO ESTABLISH IN LIEU THEREOF A LOFA COUNTY UNIVERSITY AND GRANT IT A CHARTER” on December 22, 2022 and published by Authority-Ministry of Foreign Affairs on December 29, 2022; thus, causing the change in name from Lofa County Community College to Lofa County University. At present, the institution has six (6) colleges with 22 specialized disciplines.